Home remedies for dogs 

Home remedies are a handy first line of defense from many minor issues. All dogs are prone to scratches, ticks, and other small problems that can be treated at home. Each year billions of dollars are spent on pet medicines. Learning simple home remedies is not only a natural way for pets to heal, but it is safer for them and the planet. 

Why do we need a list of home remedies for dogs?

Puppy itching its skin

We all love our dogs, we spend quite a bit of money on them. These home remedies for dogs can help save some of that hard-earned cash. We have been using these on our dogs for many years with great success. We will not recommend something that we don’t trust or use.

A word of caution. Don’t be a doctor, be a parent!

Home remedies are the first line of defense. They are natural and safe for everyone involved. We want to remind our readers that these home remedies are not a replacement for veterinary care.

Consult a veterinarian

If the dog is suffering from a severe condition or experiencing an emergency, seek immediate medical help. Don’t be a doctor, be a parent.

These home remedies work best in the long term. We have experienced slow but long-lasting results on our dogs. For instance, our German Shepherds were suffering from severe hair loss and flaky skin. We added a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil to their food. Then we applied it on their skin once every week. This has worked wonders on our dogs.

Typical causes of allergies in dogs 

They say prevention is better than cure. So we want to give you some useful insights on allergies in dogs. There are three different sources from which your dog could have an allergic reaction. These sources vary based on your location, the weather, and their food.

  • Food 
  • Flea or tick infestation
  • Pollen or dust or other environmental causes

Food causing an allergic reaction on your dog

Puppy itching its ears

Food is one of the most common sources of allergies in dogs. Issues with food can cause itchy skin, gas, or other symptoms. Food allergies are subtle and may not be easy to spot. The dog might not have any issues with its stomach. But it can manifest itself as itchy skin. Food allergies are tricky and can take time to track down. If you suspect a food allergy consult your vet. They can guide you by assessing the dog’s food.

Mite, flea, and tick infestation

Dog shaking its body for fleas

Parasite infestation or, in some cases, just a bite from an insect can cause an allergic reaction. If you see your dog gnawing or licking their legs or the bottom of their tail. It is most likely a bite from a flea or a tick. Infestations are easy to spot and treat with medicines. They are easy to prevent with some simple home remedies.

Pollen and Dust Allergy

Dog with flowers in its mouth

External factors such as dust and pollen can cause allergies in dogs. With our cities becoming polluted, all animal life suffers. Pollen and dust can cause “Atopic dermatitis.” This causes extreme itchiness in dogs and, in some cases, skin inflammation. The dog then ends up licking and scratching, which results in other problems. 

Home remedies for dog skin allergies

Dog skin allergies are the most common that every pet parent has to deal with. Allergy for a dog is much like ours. We cough and sneeze, whereas a dog itches and scratches.

Step 1: Identify the root cause of the allergy

Dog playing in bushes

Before we start the home remedy, it is vital to know its root cause. Answering these simple questions will help you to plan your next course of action.

Answer these questions to identify the root cause

  1. Was the dog in a new environment? A new dog park or a new route for their walk?
  2. What time of year? Could it be due to pollen or dust or other external factors?
  3. Is the dog licking the base of its tail or legs or armpits?

If your answer is yes, then your dog is reacting to some allergen in the environment.

Puppies eating
  1. Did you make any changes to the dog’s diet?
  2. Did the dog eat something new?
  3. Was the outside digging up something?

If your answer is yes, then it has something to do with food.

Dog shaking its body for fleas
  1. Did he meet and play with other dogs?
  2. Do you see ticks or fleas or mites?
  3. Is it spring season? 

If your answer is yes, then it has something to do with parasites.

Step 2: The treatment: Home remedies for dog skin allergies

Environment allergens

Make use of the below to manage environmental allergens.

Dog soaking its legs
Epsom salt foot bath

Setup an Epsom bath near the foot door and soak the dog’s legs before entering the home. Prepare the Epsom-bath with a teaspoon of Epsom salt mixed with fresh water in a 1 teaspoon:4 cups of water ratio. This bath ensures most allergens are removed.

Dog in shower washing dust
Mild Oatmeal-based wash

Bathe your dog with a gentle Oatmeal based shampoo every other week. Oatmeal has soothing properties, bathing removes allergens on the dog’s body. 

Home remedies for dogs: Food allergies

Puppy drinking yogurt

The proper way to treat food allergies/intolerance is to work with your vet. If you changed their food recently, go back to the old one if the allergy persists.

Yogurt for food allergy home remedy

Plain Yogurt

Plain Yogurt is an excellent natural probiotic. Dogs love to eat them. Add a pinch of rock salt and mix Yogurt with water (1 cup) and watch the magic. Yogurt can arrest loose stools and is terrific for overall digestive health.

Home remedies for dogs: Parasitic allergies 

Dogs can get skin allergies through parasites. Fleas bites, in some cases, can trigger allergies on dogs. Use the below to treat parasitic allergies.

Neem Oil for dog tick home remedy

Neem Oil

Neem is a tropical tree, it has many benefits. For thousands of years, Neem leaves and oil from its fruit has been used in Indian medicine. Apply a couple of teaspoons of Neem oil directly on the dog’s fur before you take the dog out. Neem is anti-parasitic and will keep the small critters off your dog. Neem oil is excellent for the skin as well.

Neem leaves for dog tick home remedy

Neem leaves

If you have access to a Neem tree, cut tender leaves and spread them on your dog’s bed. You can also spray your yard or garden with a mixture of water and Neem oil. You can also buy a commercial Neem oil spray.

Home remedies for itchy skin 

Itchy skin on dogs is inevitable. Every pet parent has to deal with this. 

Virgin coconut oil for dog itchy skin

Virgin Coconut oil

Add a teaspoon of coconut oil to the dog’s food before serving it. If you have a small dog, then a few drops might be sufficient. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E. Coconut oil can also be applied directly to the affected area.

Pot Marigold for dog itchy skin

Pot Marigold

Calendula is another gem from the Indian culture. Apply Calendula oil directly on the itchy skin. This can soothe itchy skin. Learn about its uses to people in this excellent article by webmd.com.

Aloe Vera gel for itchy dog skin

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera based soaps, creams, and other cosmetic products are becoming popular. Aloe Vera extract has countless benefits from skincare to diabetes care. If you have access to the plant, split its leaf to expose its gel and simply apply it on the dog’s skin. You can also buy Aloe Vera extract that works the same way.

Dog skin infection home remedy

All dogs are active and play rough. Long hairs hide these minor wounds that can get infected. Minor skin infections can be treated at home. Here are some safe remedies.

Turmeric for skin infections home remedy

Virgin Coconut oil and Turmeric

Make a paste by mixing Coconut oil with powdered turmeric. Turmeric is a plant that belongs to the ginger family. It is extensively used in Indian cuisine and has several health benefitsTurmeric is yellow, be prepared for yellow hands, and a yellow dog. Your Lhasa Apso or Rajapalayam dog will be an unique color for a few days.

Dog hair loss home remedies

You can use the below simple but effective remedies. Remember, home remedies are slow so you have to keep at it.

Aloe Vera and Oatmeal oil

Soak the dog with Aloe Vera gel mixed with Oatmeal oil once every week. It works better if you use the plant directly. If you don’t have access to a plant, you can use the get.

Coconut oil and Oatmeal oil

Apply Coconut oil on the dog’s hair daily. You can mix Coconut oil with Oatmeal oil.

Curry leaf hair loss dog home remedy

Coconut oil and Curry leaf oil

This home remedy has many benefits. Curry leaves have beta-carotene that promotes hair growth. Mix equal portions of Curry leaf oil with Coconut oil and apply it on the dog’s hair daily. If you have access to curry leaves (all Indian groceries will carry), dry for a few days. Heat the coconut oil and add these leaves. Cook it for 30mins until color changes to greenish-brown. Use this mixture on your dog.

Dog tick treatment home remedy

Ticks, fleas, and mites are parasites. Use the following to banish them from your homes.

Lemon for fighting off ticks in dogs

Neem oil mixed with lemon extract

Mix fresh lemon juice with Neem oil and spray your yard with this mixture to prevent these parasites.


You can drown fleas while bathing your dog.

Neem Oil for dog tick home remedy

Neem Oil

Neem is a tropical tree, it has many benefits. For thousands of years, Neem leaves and oil from its fruit has been used in Indian medicine. Apply a couple of teaspoons of Neem oil directly on the dog’s fur before you take the dog out. Neem is anti-parasitic and will keep the small critters off your dog. Neem oil is excellent for the skin as well.

Neem leaves for dog tick home remedy

Neem leaves

If you have access to a Neem tree, cut tender leaves and spread them on your dog’s bed. You can also spray your yard or garden with a mixture of water and Neem oil. You can also buy a commercial Neem oil spray.

Home remedies for blood in dog stool 

Dog Pooping Infographic

Every loving pet parent has to contend with diarrhea or loose stools or blood in the dog’s stool at some point. Dogs feel the world around through their finely-tuned senses. 

Our dog Max loves to chew on just about anything that he can find, shoes, slippers, furniture are all fair game! Dog’s digestive system cleanses itself if it finds things that it does not like.

In most cases, adjusting your dog’s diet and following some simple home remedies should be enough to set things back in order. 

However, if you notice symptoms such as fever or lethargy or vomiting, consult a vet immediately. Deadly diseases such as Parvo and HGE can also cause bloody stools in dogs. In principle, if the dog is active and his/her usual self, then home remedies are the right choice.


Dog drinking water

Simple and easy, fast your dog for a day. Fasting gives time for the stomach to recover. During the fast, ensure access to clean and fresh water.

On day two, boil rice till it turns in to a soupy-semi-solid mix. Once it cools down, mix it with plain Yogurt (lots of it), add a pinch of salt, and feed it to the dog. For flavor, you can add half a cup of chicken broth.

Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates and easily digestible. Yogurt, on the other hand, is the best natural probiotic. The same remedy can work wonders for people too.

Yogurt and Water 

Yogurt for food allergy home remedy

Feed your dog just plain Yogurt. Yogurt contains millions of helpful bacterias that can strengthen your dog’s digestive system. Dog’s love Yogurt. Ensure it is plain Yogurt.

Diarrhea causes the dog to lose fluids. The dog must have access to clean and freshwater at all times.

Pumpkin or Yams or Squash 

Pumpkin Soup

Boil any one of these veggies to mash potatoes consistency. Mix it with Chicken broth of flavor and feed it to the dog.

Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal is a safe option to get rid of toxins. You can buy it from a local med/pet store. It works best if you administer it early, within the first few hours.

Finding blood in your dog’s stool could be scary. It is best not to panic. In most cases, it should clear up in a couple of days. If diarrhea continues for more than 48 hours, get the dog checked by a vet.
If your dog is less than a year old and you notice other symptoms such as loss of appetite, lethargy, or fever. Seek immediate medical care.

Home remedies for a dog’s ear infection 

Dog scratching its ears

According to the dog vet visit statistics, ear infections are the third most common reason for pet clinic visits. Dogs with ear infections tend to shake their head, and in some cases, it becomes painful for the dog.

Typical causes of ear infection in dogs

  • Food: Yes, food sometimes causes inflammation in the ears. You will typically notice it as your dog’s ear will become red. In some cases, the ear becomes infected, and you will see dark brown wax with a foul smell.
  • Bacterial infection: Bacterial infections in dog’s ears are due to the environment. They also tend to be seasonal.
  • Yeast: Ears are excellent places for the yeast to flourish. The ear canal is dark, not well ventilated, and moist. When the conditions become perfect, yeast builds up.

Natural remedies for ear infections

Dog healthy ears

When it comes to a dog’s ears, prevention is better than the cure. Keeping the dog’s ears cleaned and trimming excess hair prevents dog’s developing infections. We don’t recommend ear cleanser unless a vet recommends it. The following are simple remedies that can help.

  • Garlic oil: Garlic oil contains natural antifungal and pain-relieving properties. Apply two to three drops in the dog’s ears twice daily until the infection subsides. Slightly warm the oil before applying as the mild heat can soothe and relieve pain.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Mix equal parts of Apple cider vinegar with warm water and apply 3 to 4 drops. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that will help fight bacterial infections.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen Peroxide drops can help fight infections and clean the ear canal. Applying a few drops, then wipe clean after 5 minutes.
  • Grooming: Remove hair in the inner ear but gently plucking them out. Removing hair ensures free air circulation to clear out unwanted moisture from the ear canal.
  • Otaxium drops: Otaxium drops is a mixture of herbs, vitamin E, and white willow bark. These drops are all-natural and help in fighting ear infections.
  • Avoid excessive ear care: All pet parents are prone to this. Keeping the dog’s ears clean is essential, especially for dogs that have long floppy ears. However, ensure that you don’t overdo it.

Conclusion: Home remedies for dogs 

Image of a stray dog

Most of the typical dog issues can be treated at home. Like all the natural remedies, these take time to work. The best thing about home remedies is that it is safe for your dogs and can be used long term. Feeding your dog plain yogurt or adding a teaspoon of coconut oil to their food has numerous benefits.

Remember, to be a parent and not a doctor. Home remedies are not a replacement for veterinary care.